The Zone, Vol 44: Combatting Chaos

by The ParaDocs

February 1, 2021

The Zone Weekly with paraDocs

How can we rein in the chaos of our lives when everything feels out of control?

In Volume 44 of this guest series, psychotherapist Dr. Francis L. Battisti and nutritionist Dr. Helen Battisti suggest that a practice of gratitude and appreciation may be the key.

For over 10 years, they have worked closely with us on aging concerns and have presented many webinars and in-person workshops. Their newsletter, The Zone, is a weekly mental health and nutrition tip sheet during times of change.

One of the lessons learned from Chaos Theory is that we can learn and grow from the confusion around us by changing our beliefs.  What we might believe to be inevitable, can be challenged and viewed, instead, as what is possible.  Chaos can be defined as complete disorder and confusion whereas one definition of Chaos Theory is an interdisciplinary theory, within apparent randomness of chaotic systems, where there are underlying patterns, interconnectedness, feedback loops, fractals and self-organization.

As has been stated throughout history, these are chaotic times.  Some individuals would suggest that life is always chaotic.  Whatever our perspective, we may want to stop and step back, view the bigger picture and seek patterns, feedback loops and interconnectedness for clarity and direction of what to pursue.

An emotional perspective that can enhance our view for clarity, within the chaos of the moment, is one of gratitude, thankfulness, and appreciation.  Developing and nurturing a sense of gratitude takes strength of purpose to not get caught up in the tornado turbulence of chaos.

An expression of appreciation and thankfulness is a spontaneous emotion that strengthen relationships, boosts happiness, fosters physical and psychological health, and enhances our immune system.  If you think that enhancing your sense of gratitude will help during this confusing time, here are some ideas to pursue.  Notice and look for good things that are occurring and appreciate them.  Spend time absorbed into their goodness and express your gratitude as you choose.

Key Takeaways
  • There is a difference between Chaos Theory and chaos.
  • Gratitude can provide the clarity in the kaleidoscope of chaos.
  • To move forward it may be necessary to step back.
Best Practices
  • Say “thank you”.
  • Literally, “step out” of the thunder of chaos.
  • Remember during “stepping out” to refocus on appreciating those people and things that are still supporting you.
Things to Limit
  • Becoming too exhausted.
  • Making unnecessary snap assumptions about others.
  • Thoughtlessness.

In summary, it is important work to continually stay above the storm.  It is too easy to get pulled into the alluring funnel of the tornado.  As time moves forward, we have the challenge and ability to look for new pathways that will alter our life’s journey.

Quote of the Week

“Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more.  It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity…it makes sense of your past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”
Melody Beattie

About the author 

The ParaDocs

The paraDocs are Dr. Francis L. Battisti, PhD, Psychotherapist, Distinguished Psychology Professor and former Executive V.P. and Chief Academic Officer and, Dr. Helen E. Battisti, PhD, Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist. The purpose of The Zone is to provide a weekly mental-health and nutrition tip-sheet during times of change.

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