Save the Date!
Webinars on Thursday, December 10
$40 per webinar
Earn up to 1.0 credit hour for each webinar!
(See below for more information)

The Resilient Leader: Guiding Your Organization in Times of Crisis and Change
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. | Presented by Dr. Francis Battisti, PhD
As a leader within your team, a key responsibility is to lead with a resilient, affirmative mindset. Through this program, you will learn ways to better understand and assess individual team members' readiness for change. Drawing from the principles of Resilience theory, participants will also better understand the importance of creating a resilient, life-enhancing culture and the activities that help us do that.
The following topical areas will be covered during this program:
- Psychological impacts of ongoing crisis and isolation
- The Six P’s of Resilience
- Principles of a resilient leader management style
- A Plan of Action for implementation
“Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving; we get stronger and more resilient.”
~ Dr. Steve Maraboli
Continuing Education
This program has been submitted for review (but not yet approved) for Continuing Education for 1.0 total participation hours by NAB (National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards)/ NCERS (National Continuing Education Review Service).
Avila Institute of Gerontology, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0265. Participants can earn 1.0 contact hours.

Making Informed Choices: How to Assess the Need for and Availability of Mental Health Resources in Your Community
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. | Presented by Dr. Richard Pulice, PhD
COVID-19 has expanded the level of stress and anxiety in health care workers in ways that we could not have imagined, leaving many to try to decide whether they should go it alone or seek support.
This workshop addresses how to determine whether support is advisable and how to find mental health and related services in the community. It begins by examining the barriers to accessing care, including self- and societal stigma, cultural and ethnic biases, availability, and accessibility, as well as some basic concerns related to a person’s ability to pay. We will discuss the types of services available, who provides them, and what the commitments to participation are. The services discussed will include peer support, individual and group counseling, holistic and pastoral approaches, as well as traditional psychiatric care. At the conclusion of the event, we will discuss a strategy for self-evaluation and determining the next steps in care and support.
Continuing Education
This program has been submitted for review (but not yet approved) for Continuing Education for 1.0 total participation hours by NAB (National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards)/ NCERS (National Continuing Education Review Service).
Avila Institute of Gerontology, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0265. Participants can earn 1.0 contact hours.