The new NRRO cosponsored webinar "Approaches to Managing Conflict Within Community Life" is scheduled for Tuesday, August 9, 2022 from 1:00-2:00 pm ET. It will be presented by Fr. Quinn Conners, O.Carm.
View/download flyer and registration directions.
Those living in religious community must be prepared at times to have difficult conversations with each other in order to bring forward the voices, opinions, feelings, and ideas to generate solutions that manage conflict, which is what we call our reaction to unmet needs.
In this webinar, Fr. Quinn Conners, O.Carm. will explore the skills and approaches community members need to effectively respond to conflict. A discussion of congregational culture, common sources of conflict, and practical tools for engaging in uncomfortable or difficult conversations is included.
This NRRO cosponsored webinar is designed for individual members of Congregations as well as community leadership and healthcare providers.
This webinar is FREE for congregational members and their staff.
Please contact us for more information.
It is $59.00 for all other registrants.

Meet the Presenter:
Quinn R. Conners, O.Carm., PhD
Quinn R. Conners, O.Carm., PhD is a Carmelite of
the PCM (Chicago) Province and a licensed clinical
psychologist. He recently returned to Brandsma
Priory as the Co-Director of Novices. Previously he
had served as the prior and director of formation at Whitefriars Hall (2016-2021) and as Associate Director of Clinical Services at Saint Luke Institute (2012-2017). He is also an adjunct faculty at The Catholic University of America. He had been the
prior and director of formation at Whitefriars Hall in Washington, DC before (1983-90, 2007-2012), director of novices (2004-2007), provincial
(1990-1996), and member of the clinical staff of Saint Luke Institute (1997-2004). He holds a doctorate in Clinical Psychology from The
Graduate School of Psychology at Fuller Theological Seminary.
He has also served as principal of Mt. Carmel High School in Los Angeles and as a psychotherapist, spiritual director, and part-time faculty member
at Washington Theological Union. He has done workshops nationally and internationally in the areas of psychology and spirituality, sexuality,
vocational discernment, and issues in the first five years of ministry.